Please read below for any information on road maintenance and to find helpful links. If you have any questions, use the contact form at the bottom of this page to submit your question to the roads committee.
The use of salt on all gravel roads within BMPOA is PROHIBITED
Using salt as a de-icing agent causes severe damage to the integrity and underlying structure of the road bed thus resulting in higher maintenance costs that impact everyone in the community.
See this informative article our neighbors in Skyland Estates have published for more info.
If you need to gain traction going up or down hill look for the blue poly barrels strategically placed on hills within the association.
Tire chains are a great way to navigate the mountain roads when conditions are less than favorable and good tires just don't cut it.
Ensure they fit your vehicle and practice how to install them before you need them!
BMPOA Road Committee will not dispatch plows and equipment when snow accumulations are below four (4) inches at a predesignated location on the mountain. This is a policy that has been in place for many seasons and has proved to be the most effective approach for our neighborhood.
If a tree falls over a roadway and is impeding traffic, please utilize the contact form below and report the downed tree location.
It is permissible for an individual to remove a downed tree that has fallen on a BMPOA roadway. However, when doing so ensure the tree is removed in a safe and responsible manner.
BMPOA is not responsible for personal injury or damage to property that may occur during the removal of a downed tree.
If an overhead line falls on your car, know that you are safe as long as you stay inside the car. If you must exit the car, jump, being careful not to touch the car and ground at the same time.
If a tree has fallen on utility lines within BMPOA, please contact
R.E.C. at (800-552-3904)
Contact us below with a description as well as a location of the concern.
Be as detailed as possible to ensure an accurate and timely remedy.
ATTENTION: Fire Trail Road is NOT owned or maintained by BMPOA.
Please contact the VDGIF Region 4 Board of Directors Mamie Parker, PhD or Douglas Dear for concerns regarding Fire Trail Road.
Thank You
Any questions or concerns regarding road conditions may be submitted with the link below.
Please include the following in your message:
*Email Address*
*Location of Interest*
*Photos (if applicable)*