Located off of Old Linden Road, BMPOA's Deer Lake is a great source of entertainment for Blue Mountain Property Owners, their guests, and renters. Whether you're looking for a place to cool off on a hot summer day, or just a place to relax and enjoy the multitude of diverse ecosystems our beautiful mountain has to offer, Deer Lake is the perfect place!
The lake offers a well-kept, sandy swimming area and a large floating dock that permits access to the center of the lake. A security guard will be on duty during the peak season, however there is no life guard at any time, swim at your own risk. Please see Lake Policies Safety section below for more information.
Only Blue Mountain property owners, their renters, or their guests may use the common area. A current Blue Mountain Recreational Area Pass is required to be with the property owner or renter/guest when using the common areas.
*If you have not received your passes by May 1st, please send us a message by clicking the button below.
Only Blue Mountain property owners, their renters, or their guests may use the common area. A current Blue Mountain Recreational Area Pass is required to be with the property owner or renter/guest when using the common areas.
The property owner must accompany all guests under the age of 18 to the recreation area to accept responsibility as the sponsoring property owner. Renters must obtain their recreational pass from their property owner.
Persons without a current pass may be asked to leave or be declared as trespassers and reported to the County Sheriff.
Residents are asked to use good judgement and common sense when sponsoring guests to the lake. Repeated or frequent sponsorship of large numbers of guests can inconvenience other residents or call into the question the nature of the sponsorship ( e.g. selling access, running a business.)
The Executive Board reserves the right to review and adjudicate all allegations of abuse or violation of any provision of these policies, as well as to amend them as necessary to accommodate emerging situations.
Thank you for your help and understanding.
Dogs are not permitted at the lake on weekends (Saturday/Sunday) and holidays from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
From Monday through Friday, dogs are allowed on the dam and may swim in the lake near the dam.
Dogs are not allowed on the dock.
Dogs are permitted elsewhere in the recreation area as long as they are on a leash.
For health and sanitation reasons dogs are never permitted in the beach area, including on the grass leading to the beach, and are not allowed to swim in the beach area.
Dog owners are required to "scoop the poop" and remove it from the recreation area along with any other trash or refuse.
Consumption of alcohol by under aged individuals is illegal and, therefore, not permitted anywhere in our recreation areas.
Fishing from the beach is not allowed at any time, even during the "off season". Fishing line and hooks don't deteriorate and pose a danger to later users.
All non-guest users 16 years old or younger must be accompanied by an adult.
Boisterous activity is not permitted on the dock or beach area including loud operation of audio devices.
There are no life guards. Swim at your own risk. Use of the dock and swimming platform is at your own risk.
Life Preservers are for emergency use only!
They are not flotation devices for children.
The parents of children playing with the Life Preservers will be asked to take the children and leave the lake.
Unlicensed vehicles of any kind---including but not limited to all-terrain vehicles (ATV)--- are not permitted in any common area or on any BMPOA road.
Under no conditions is parking or driving of any vehicle allowed on the dam. This is Virginia law. The only exceptions to this is for dam maintenance.
All signs are property of the association. Any individual who mutilates, destroys, alters, or removes signs or engages in vandalism of any other kind will be reported to law enforcement for prosecution.
Please keep track of your annual lake passes as passes can NOT be reissued.
Questions or concerns about the lake? Feel free to send us a message using the contact form below the map!
3367 Blue Mountain Road, Linden, Virginia 22630, United States
Please Include the Following in Your Message:
*Email Address*
*House Address*